Name your favourite

alcohol free


No? Nothing? Us neither, until now, of course.

Many moons ago, alcohol free was a dirty phrase. If you were choosing not to drink, your options were limited and you probably felt slightly out of the loop. Not another lime and soda, you would silently lament as you made your way back to the bar whilst your friends were still enjoying their first round.

Thankfully, times are changing. Alcohol free options have exploded in recent years with alcohol free beers and spirits leading the way, showing us all that you can still have a lovely experience and mouthfuls of flavour without the alcohol or the fuzzy head the next day.

Well, now it’s the turn of wine. Whether you’re meeting a friend after work, settling onto the sofa after the kids have gone to bed or just looking for something different, Wednesday’s Domaine and our alcohol free wines may well have the answer…

As for me, where do I fit into all of this? Some say the best businesses are those created to solve a problem you yourself experience often and acutely, and that’s never truer than with Wednesday’s Domaine.

I love a glass of wine, spending time with friends and cherish the chance to unwind but as I get older, I also know that’s better suited to the backend of the week. Priorities change, energies dwindle and time seems to move ever faster, so here’s to doing both, just slightly differently and without the alcohol on occasion.

We've found it's common for people to have a few questions about how we've gone about bringing our vision to life, so we've answered some of the most frequent ones here...
