There’s something sort of wonderful about Old Wives' Tales.
They’re mysterious in origin and immovable in sticking power. They’re born out of feeling and folklore, yet somehow still survive in a world that prizes fact.
Today’s Table Talk dives into some of our favourites, shedding light on which are pure fable and which, perhaps surprisingly, are actually more fact that fiction.
You Should Pee On Jelly Fish Stings: It’s an iconic scene in Friends, yes, but that doesn’t make it any more factual. A delicate tweeze of the stinger, followed by good long soak will stand you in better stead - and smell.
Turkey Makes You Tired: Yes turkey contains tryptophan, which helps create melatonin (the stuff in those sleepy pills prescribed for jet lag) but it’s almost always the trimmings you’ll have alongside Christmas or Thanksgiving that’ll bring on the waves of tiredness. Carbs and boozing, yup, sure recipe for snoozing.

The flip side, is a fun side.
Long Labour Means A Boy: Yes, there’s many a myth that get banded around when it comes to guessing the gender of a baby. But, in a study of 8000 births a direct correlation has indeed been made between long labour and baby boys.
And to wrap, our favourite.
These past few weeks, I've taken a step back and handed the reins to Bella whilst welcoming a little someone into the world.
And whilst that has brought with it a whole host of new experiences, what's not new is our desire to bring our wines to you in new and interesting ways.
For you East London dwellers, you can find us at Wine Yard this Sunday and for those who prefer the digital realm, our wines go live on Dry Drinker this weekend.
Roll on the festive season,
Luke x