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⚙️ Table Talk #122: Viva La Viennetta 🍨


For anyone bemused or confused by what this newsletter actually is…

Table Talk’s raison d’être is to celebrate the wonderfully meandering conversations we all have around a dinner table.

Our bimonthly opportunity to chew the cud on something curiously interesting, albeit a little obscure. 

Today’s serving…Viennetta.

Is there a dessert more chic than Viennetta?

Childhood us, says absolutely and categorically no. Whether it was the exotically european sounding name, or adverts showing luxurious folds of ice cream cascading across one another that did it, Viennetta was peak chic in our minds.

Viennetta, an icecreamified mille feuille, was launched by Wall’s in 1982. Although intended as a festive limited edition, its supple, silky ripples were an instantaneous hit with the British public and in less than two years it was available all year round and nationwide. 

Wall's, realising they were on to something, dug their heels in, patented the production technique and protected themselves against the incoming challengers.

 Photo Credit: Siemens

With their concertina-esque confection secure, they set about experimenting with a series of flavour innovations, something they’ve continued to do since.

In the 1990’s they flirted with cappuccino and praline, 2000’s dallied with a double crisp, 2013 had a summer fling with strawberry and most latterly in 2022 commemorated a hundred years of Wall’s with Viennetta Birthday Cake

This wasn't the first time they'd gone big for a birthday. In 2007, they celebrated 25 years of Vienetta by making a 22.7 metre long beauty, securing the world record for the longest ice cream in the process.

Our favourite campaign for its memorability was in fact an early one however. In 1993, Wall’s offered up 10 diamond necklaces and 100 diamond earrings to lucky shoppers.

It made a serious statement. No-one puts frozen dessert in the corner. 

Photo Credit: Coole Suggesties

If you’ve never watched a video of Viennetta being made, arguably, you’ve never lived.
It’s mind-blowingly satisfying. Almost as if the ice cream and chocolate are waltzing together. Almost as if each block is its own mini chariot.
The grace, the elegance, the uniformity. 

Things move so fast here at HQ that sometimes forget to stop and celebrate the wins.

All sorts happened in July, but most excitingly, we saw our biggest returning customer numbers to date.

That means the new wines seem to be a hit and for that, we thank you.
Luke x

More where that came from...