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⚙️ Table Talk #109: Sassy Sardines 🐟

Tinned fish are in vogue. 

They're sassy and they know it. You'll find them dressed to the nines, in pageant worthy packaging, flaunting themselves on the shelves of any bougie deli near you.

The question we're asking ourselves is: how did this seemingly humble subcategory become groceries' It Girl? A conundrum that felt ripe for discussion in today's Table Talk.

There was a time, not long ago, where tinned fish felt ration-like. Capable of withstanding a nuclear apocalypse? Quite possibly. Capable of wooing your dinner guests? Unlikely.
How the tide has turned though. That oracle 'social media' has decreed tinned fish a 'hot girl food' and we can hardly start scrolling our feeds before an anchovy is dangled in front of us. 
So what's the big appeal?
Well, for starters, these little fishies have a mystical way of making us feel like we're on holiday in The Med, even if we are just at home in Tunbridge Wells. Try plating up a tin of anchovies, arranging them in a satisfying swirl, and tell us you don't feel chic. 

There's something gloriously appealing about the minimalism of a plate of tinned fish, crusty baguette and chilled glass of white. When life's complicated, it feels good that food's not. 

Photo Credit: ARC Imports

It's what's on the outside though, the packaging, that really truly makes us swoon.

It's the kind of packaging that makes it feel like you've opted for the 'gift wrap', that you can't bear to put away because it looks so good decorating the kitchen counter.

We've got an outright brand crush on both Fishwife and Sea Sisters, two newbies to the scene. Though if it's an all time classic you're after Ortiz is where it's at.

Photo Credit: Fishwife

In a world where so much food feels far, far from it's natural state, there's also a simple satisfaction in being able to see with your naked eye that a sardine's a sardine. 

Tinned fish feels almost effortless in its healthiness. The real deal.



This weekend, our Sanguine made the cut into Waitrose Magazine's piece 'Year Of The Soft Options' and was described as 'hitting the spot...fruity, balanced and elegant'.

Whilst we're a way away from Waitrose being an actual stockist, we love that the wonderful journalist Tessa Allingham tried us at Restaurant Pine and decided to give us a little shout-out regardless.

Milestones moments have come in all sorts of shapes and sizes this last year and a bit, but this definitely feels like one of them.

Luke x 


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