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⚙️ Table Talk #127: An Ode To The Junk Shop 🪑

For the thrifty or over fifty, there's not much that beats a good antique warehouse or junk shop haul. 
There’s something gloriously meditative about meandering down row upon row, never quite knowing if your steal of the day is just around the corner.

When sometimes it feels like the world only gets faster and flasher, finding furniture with soul, the odd scratch and a story feels strangely satisfying.

Thrifting, may well be our favourite sport.

An afternoon spent rootling around Station Mill in Chipping Norton or Lords Antiques & Salvage outside Kirkby Lonsdale making us feel like the most triumphant of truffling pigs.

There’s something so wonderfully hunter gatherer about the process. It requires patience and perseverance, but the chase is absolutely part of the charm.

There’s something wonderful too, about not knowing what you’re shopping for. So often in life what we buy is led by marketing and media. So often in life there’s a plan. The joy of a junk shop is that you simply follow your feet, have a good ol’ mooch and listen out for a voice in all that rabble shouting your name.

It’s still consumerism yes, but it’s a happier, more connected consumerism and that feels good.

Photo Credit: Mark Lord Photography

If you’ve read any of the last one hundred and twenty six editions of Table Talk, you’ll probably have cottoned on to the fact we’re suckers for stories and with second hand furniture, everything has its own story. 
Sometimes you’ll find that the shop keeper can regale tales of an object's origin, other times there may be an old letter in a drawer offering up clues, but either way, trying to unriddle the story behind something is absolutely part of the magic.
You’re buying something that’s lived a life already, that carries its own history and has stories woven into its very fabric. In a shiny, sleek world, the junk shop offers charm and character for those that find joy in the beauty of the overlooked.

Photo Credit: Lords Antiques & Salvage


There is of course also always a chance that you may stumble upon real treasure out thrifting.

Like the guy who bought a poster print only to realise it was a Picasso, or the women that bought a costume ring for $13, only to find it was a 26-carat diamond cut in the 1800s — and worth around $455,000.

It feels like only a few weeks ago that we were pinching ourselves and telling you about being live on air with Trisha.

Well, this month we’ve had an equally pinch ourselves moment as Vignette was invited onto This Morning.
Watching your product on live TV is like watching your four year old star as Mary in the nativity. Thrilling, yet highly nerve wracking.
To hear Ben McFarland and Tom Sandham of Thinking Drinkers say of our Vignette “I think these guys really crack it” felt straight up bonkers. Quite a moment.
Until next time, 
Luke x

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