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⚙️ Table Talk #121: The Tale Of Biscuit Town 🍪

Today’s Table Talk tells the tale of Biscuit Town, the pocket of London we know today as Bermondsey.
For over a hundred years, up until 1989, The Peek Freans biscuit factory was the hub of the community and employed generations of families living nearby. In 1989 the factory closed, yet their most famous biscuits and many a story live on.


The Peek Freans biscuit factory was born in 1857, in an old sugar refinery.
At the time, biscuits were not much more than sawdusty sustenance, a joyless necessity given to sailors on long voyages. Fortunately, James Peek the founder, had a sweet tooth and it wasn’t long until sugary innovation was flying out the factory doors, into the arms of the hungry British public.
Their first dalliance into the land of sweet treats came in 1861, with the launch of the Garibaldi, but it was their soft, crumbly Pearl Biscuits that truly propelled the love affair. The British public were hooked and by the time The Bourbon (a strange biscuit sandwich) launched in 1910, they took no persuading.
If we could go back in time and get a job anywhere, the ‘Experimental Board’ at Peak Freans is pretty high up our list. 

Photo Credit: Paige Kahn

For lovers of biscuits and history alike, the Peek Frean Biscuit Museum, squirrelled away at the back of the old factory, is an absolute must.
There you’ll discover the recipe for Cream of Tomato Biscuits and Shrimp Twiglets, two recipes that, perhaps unsurprisingly, didn’t make it past the discerning Experimental Board.

You’ll also find framed photographs Peek Freans employee wedding cakes, a company wide perk of working there.
Arguably the real showstopper however is living exhibit, Frank "Taffy" Turner, who worked at Peek Freans for almost three decades and himself is a treasure trove of stories.
Sound like your cup of tea? Simply send them a note and pop by for a biscuit.

Photo Credit: Peek Frean Museum


Today, most biscuits come in inexpensive plastic wrappers.

Back when Peak Freans was really flying however, beautifully designed biscuit tins become collectors items and a big part of their biscuits’ allure. 

Photo Credit: V&A

We've been overjoyed to hear that so many of you seem to a) be getting married this summer b) want to have our wines at your wedding.

For anyone else thinking about it, do give us a shout to find out more about how we can help bring a little extra variety (and vibrance) to the drinks array at your special day.
Luke x

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